
第3回 物理工学科教室談話会(講師:Peter Stano准教授)(物理物工合同談話会)

日時: 2017年5月16日,23日,30日 17:00 -18:30
場所: 工学部6号館3階325号室(物工会議室)
講師: Peter Stano准教授
所属: Quantum System Theory Research Team Center for Emergent Matter Science, RIKEN, Wako-shi
題目: Quantum information hardware with semiconductors

I introduce theory of quantum information hardware based on semiconductors: ways to represent,store and manipulate quantum information bits. I focus on qubits based on the spin of confined electrons, and the newly discovered topological qubits. The research covers a range of topics of modern condensed matter physics, related to semiconductors, superconductors, spin-orbit interactions, quantum decoherence, Majorana fermions, and many more. I give a flavor on several analytical, numerical, and statistical methods used.
Day 1 topics: Research introduction. What is a quantum bit (qubit), quantum algorithm, and quantum computer, and why it has not been built yet. Quantum error correction. Qubit requirements and candidates.
Day 2 topics: Spin qubits in quantum dots. How they are initialized, manipulated and measured and why they decohere. Topological qubits.
Day 3 topics: Numerical and statistical methods. Statistical description of data. Bayes methods and model selection. Monte-Carlo implementations. Meta-models, machine learning, and artificial intelligence.