
第1回 物理工学科教室談話会(講師:Peter Stano准教授)

日時: 2018年 8月2日(木),3日(金) 10:00 -12:00
場所: 工学部6号館3階368号室(セミナー室B)
講師: Peter Stano准教授
所属: Quantum System Theory Research Team
Center for Emergent Matter Science, RIKEN
題目: Majorana fermion – what it is and what it is not.

Majorana fermion, a particular example of a topological particle, is an exceedingly popular research topic nowadays.
In a short series of lectures, I plan to explain basic properties of these objects and how they could be realized in solid state experiments.
The goal of the lectures is also to elucidate the usual mysterious remarks, such as “Majorana is its own antiparticle” and “Majorana is half of an electron”, which are easily misunderstood.
紹介教員:樽茶 清悟教授、求 幸年教授